Admin Vote Hack

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Site Admin|Board-Administrator|Board-Administrator
Site Admin|Board-Administrator|Board-Administrator
Beiträge: 235
Registriert: Fr 19 Sep, 2003 23:28
Wohnort: 23821 Rohlstorf/Holstein
Has thanked: 2 times
Been thanked: 2 times

Admin Vote Hack

Beitrag von Uwe »

Hallo Timo,

ich habe, wie auch schon in den Vorläuferversionen meines Forums, nun auch in meinem Plus-Forum o. g. Mod eingebaut.
Es werden aber nur alte Abstimmungen korrekt (z.T.) angezeigt.

Bei neuen Abstimmungen zeigt er im ACP nur an, wer abgestimmt hat, nicht was wer abgestimmt hat.

Bei einigen alten Abstimmungen ist es korrekt mit der Anzeige - bei den ganz alten war das Vorläufer-Mod nicht drinnen, da kann er natürlich auch nicht anzeigen, wer was abgestimmt hat.

Also, mein Problem:
Bei einer neuen Abstimmung wird im ACP nur angezeigt, wer abgestimmt hat und bei Anklicken des Plus-Zeichens steht nicht da, wer was gestimmt hat.

Kannst du mal schauen, was da falsch ist?

Ist sehr einfach einzubinden - aber ich war heute wohl zuuu müüüüüüde....

## EasyMod 0.0.7 compliant
## MOD Title: Admin Voting
## MOD Version: 1.1.7
## Author: ErDrRon < >
## Description: Allows forum administrators, via the Admin Control
## Panel, to see who voted in a poll and, optionally,
## HOW they voted.
## Installation Level: easy
## Installation Time: 2 minutes
## Files To Edit (1): posting.php
## Included Files (7): voting_admin_install.txt
## upgrade_to_115.txt
## admin_voting_database_install.php
## admin_voting.php
## admin_vote_body.tpl
## lang_admin_voting.php (use language of choice)
## admin_voting_icon.gif
## This MOD is released under the GPL License.
## Intellectual Property is retained by the MOD Author(s) listed above
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
## in our MOD-Database, located at:
## Authors Notes:
## This MOD was brazenly adapted from Vote-Teilnehmer anzeigen, version 1.2.0
## Fabro < >
## Because of potential privacy issues, users of your forum should be notified
## of the installation of this MOD.
## N.B. Please note that prior to installation of this MOD, phpBB had no built-in capacity to track
## the actual votes of users in polls. It was designed to track only the total number of votes of
## each choice in a poll. After installing this MOD, you will be able to track not only
## the totals of each choice in a poll but the actual votes of your users in any future polls posted
## on your forum. There is, however, no way to retroactively view the actual votes in polls already
## on your forum prior to the installation of this MOD. You will still have normal access to the poll
## results of previous polls as you did prior to the installation of this MOD.
## Once the files are installed and the database modified you should have a new section
## in the Admin Control Panel entitled Poll Admin. Click on Poll Results to view Poll data.
## Plans for new features: Awaiting suggestions.
## Revision History:
## v1.1.7 10/12/2002
## - added language support for Dutch, French, German, Hebrew and Spanish. Fixed error in installation
## script that was allowing users to vote in a poll more than once.
## v1.1.6 9/23/2002
## - added script to automatically install database changes without the need of an external
## database manager (i.e. phpMyAdmin). This script only works with mySQL databases.
## v1.1.5 9/7/2002
## - added Admin Voting icon to MOD
## v1.1.4 9/6/2002
## - incorporated language entries into uploadable file, no need to edit lang_admin anymore.
## v1.1.3 9/6/2002
## - added pagination.
## v1.1.2 9/4/2002
## - now EasyMod compliant.
## v1.1.1 9/4/2002
## - fixed database queries to be DBAL-compliant.
## - a few housekeeping and format changes in the code .. doesn't affect capabilities.
## v1.1.0 9/1/2002
## - added vote duration (start date, end date, status [ongoing, completed, infinite]).
## - added capability to sort by Poll #, Topic title, or Start date.
## - added capability to sort any of the above in ascending or descending fashion.
## v1.0.2 9/1/2002
## - changed L_USERNAME and $lang['Username'] to L_VOTE_USERNAME and $lang['Vote_username']
## respectively to avoid conflict with previously declared language variables.
## v1.0.1 8/29/2002
## - fixed issue with username MySQL query having incorrect format.
## v1.0.0 8/27/2002
## - initial Release
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD
## Installing the database changes:
## Only upload and run the admin_voting_database_install.php script if this is a
## brand-new installation of the Admin Voting MOD AND you are using mySQL for your database.
## DO NOT upload or run this script if you have already installed the database changes with a
## prior installation of the Admin Voting MOD. IF this is a new installation of the MOD then:
## Upload admin_voting_database_install.php to your root phpBB directory
## Open a new browser window and run the script; a typical address would be:
## ... nstall.php
## ** For security purposes, once you've had a successful install delete the
## admin_voting_database_install.php script immediately.
## For those that wish to install the database changes manually, the SQL query is:
## ALTER TABLE phpbb_vote_voters ADD vote_cast TINYINT( 4 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
## (This query assumes the default database name of phpbb; you will need to change this if
## you have chosen a different prefix for your database name).
## Language choices:
## There are language files included for Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew and Spanish. Copy the
## language file of your choosing to the appropriate /language/ subdirectory.
#-----[ COPY ]---------------------------------------
copy admin_voting.php to /admin/admin_voting.php
copy admin_voting_body.tpl to /templates/subSilver/admin/admin_voting_body.tpl
copy lang_admin_voting.php to /language/lang_english/lang_admin_voting.php
copy admin_voting_icon.gif to /templates/subSilver/images/admin_voting_icon.gif

#-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------
# -around line 494-
# NOTE: the complete line to find is:
# $sql = "INSERT INTO " . VOTE_USERS_TABLE . " (vote_id, vote_user_id, vote_user_ip)
# VALUES ($vote_id, " . $userdata['user_id'] . ", '$user_ip')";

#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------

#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------
, vote_cast

#-----[ IN-LINE FIND ]------------------------------------

#-----[ IN-LINE AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------
, $vote_option_id

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
# EoM
Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen.
Gruß Uwe